“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” ~ Mark 16:15 (NLT).I have been in contact several times this week with Kranthipaul Somavarapu, my brother in Christ over eight thousand miles away in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
We have been praying together that God will come over Prince Ministries-India in a mighty way as the outreach ministry takes the Gospel into 19 villages in south India on Monday.
My brother is leading a team of 35 pastors and 13 evangelist into the villages, distributing tracts, telling people about God, and praying in the name of Jesus for many sick people.
Prince Ministries-India needs you to come up alongside of them as ministry partners offering prayer support in a unified effort to further the kingdom work in India.
Please join me in the next few days lifting up this kingdom work to our Father in heaven. Ask God to surround them all with his mighty angels and ask that the angels shoot arrows of fire at the enemy so that nothing will stop the furthering of God’s kingdom.
Pray that God’s love and power will be carried into the villages on Monday as many people will be
“healed by His stripes”. Yes, Jesus took our sicknesses, diseases and sins to the cross, and
“by his wounds we are healed.” I praise God for the mighty works that will be done on Monday and thank Him for the glory that will be shown. All honor, glory and praise goes to the King of Majesty, King Jesus.
And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” ~ Matthew 24:14 (NLT).Led by the Holy Spirit,
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries†