Thursday, January 30, 2014

We thank You, the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, for every spiritual blessing.  
We ask for eyes for our hearts that we may gain more spiritual wisdom and for insight to know You more.
We thank you for the tremendous power available to us who believe in You.
All things are under Your feet!
In the good and great name of Jesus.
So be it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lend a hand on the battlefield...

“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” ~ Matthew 9:37-38 (NKJV).

I have read the bible and know we are going to win, but know we can lend a hand on the battlefield and play a role in expanding the Kingdom of God.  

The church I attend was good at asking everyone to spread the word of the upcoming special Christmas Eve service they annually present in the community. We were asked to give out cards inviting others to the services and urged to put signs in our yards to promote it.

Most of the men in the groups I hang out with talked about how difficult it was to ask others to come to church. It is easy to talk about what is wrong with church, but harder to tell others about the goodness.

Just happened that a local church that is thought of by many to be a cult recently opened a new church in the neighborhood and their assembly had very little trouble promoting a free lunch and invitation to tour the new facility. Invitations were around town at various places and yard signs could be not be avoided. I was also approached twice face to face.

I went over to the new facility just to see what it was like inside of their churches. I went through the various side rooms and looked at numerous displays of all of their works in the community.

Once inside the actual room that they worship in, a voice inside of me said, “Pray, Pray for them!” Pray, pray just as fast as I could. That’s what I did!

My friend had the tour guide cornered which freed me up and I prayed in the mighty name of JESUS over the seats that anyone who might sit in these seats would come to know the truth about our JESUS. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would fill that room completely from the new carpet on the floor to the top of the room and from wall to wall front to back.

I thank JESUS for the opportunity to pray for the people who might be in that facility in the future. Only our great God knows how far the ripples will travel.

“Save others by snatching them from the fire;” ~ Jude 1:23 (NIV).

Praying 4 U Ministries