Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Be Bold In Your Faith And Have Jesus Written All Over Your Face!

Side-step out of this world for a couple minutes and let your mind roll. Think about all of the things you are doing each and every day for the Lord. What have you done today or in the last couple days for the King?

Are you striving to build God's Kingdom while you are here on earth or are you just enjoying the smooth sailing? We have been put into slavery under Satan by Adam. Jesus came to earth to destroy what Satan had done. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the stage has been set for us to take back earth.

Are we doing anything for the author of the universe? Are we doing enough? Yes, I know we are not saved by works, but will you agree that we are saved for works?

Be bold in your faith and have Jesus written all over your face!

Share the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. God has put you in a position to reach certain people for Christ that no one else is in better position to talk to them about the lamb of God. Tell them about the great provider, the great healer, the author of everything. Serve the King! The Lord God Almighty!

Spread the news today about the King of Kings, who was, and is, and is to come!

Rick Hawbaker
'Bold for the King'

Monday, March 29, 2010

We Can Do The Same...

Forgiving others is a chore for us sinners. It's not so hard to forgive a love one and to give them grace...well, I guess it is difficult sometimes. But, it is not as hard to forgive them as it is to forgive our enemy.

Saul walked into the very desert cave David and his men were hiding in from him. Saul was blinded from the bright sun of the desert and didn't see anyone in the darkness as he relieved himself.

David and his men could have ended their running. It appeared that the Lord had delivered their enemy into their hands to do with what they wanted? Instead of taking out his knife to end Saul's life, David crept up unnoticed and took his knife and cut off the corner of Saul's robe. David would not lift a hand against Saul as Saul was the Lord's annointed one.

David follows Saul outside the cave. He shows him the piece of his robe that he had cut, and tells him of how he refused to kill him although his men urged him to do so. He certainly had the chance, but left it up to the Lord to avenge the wrong doings Saul had done to him.

Saul wept aloud as he told David "you are more righteous than I. You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly." Saul praised him for his actions and said, "may the Lord reward you well for the way you treated me today."

Wow! What a story. "Saul had slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands", yet they did not kill each other when the opportunity came as they were face to face.
Saul received grace that day and David freely gave grace. We can do the same. Amazing grace freely rains on us from above. We receive grace and can forgive others, including our enemies, with the help of our Sovereign Lord.
Thank you awesome God!

Rick Hawbaker

Friday, March 26, 2010

'Heal me, O LORD, and I will be Healed'

I went under the knife eight years ago this week in an attempt to rid my body of Prostate Cancer. A lot of things ran through my mind as I hiked daily in the San Juan Mountains waiting for the date with the surgeon on the operating table.

What a scary time in my life. I was only 51 years-old...'Why me?', 'What am I going to do?', 'How much time will this buy me?', and 'How do I tell my children I have Cancer?'
My father had surgery just a year before this time for a broken hip. He had five mini-strokes during the procedure and never woke up. Wow! Then the question that rang and rang in my head was 'What if I don't make it through surgery'.

'Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.' (Jeremiah 17:14 NIV)

I didn't know the above scripture at the time of my dilemma, but I do know it now. In fact, I text it back and forth to many of my brothers and sisters on earth as we attempt to encourage one another as we fight off sickness in our daily battle to be healthy.

Jesus with the power of God healed many people and he told us we would do greater things than he did. Not everyone was healed when Jesus walked the earth and not everyone is healed today. But, please ask to be healed. I would hate to think you go through life on earth sick or diseased and all you would have had to do is ask for a healing and you might be healed.

I was so blessed to have the Great Healer's hand guiding the mind and knife of the surgeon that day. I was told if I didn't have the surgery I had eight to ten years to go before the fast growing Cancer would surely take over my body.

My time of quality life would just about be over by now. Instead, I have been healed and I praise the Lord for the past eight years of living Cancer free!
The Lord has healed me and saved me and he is the one I praise!

Rick Hawbaker
'Praising Him'

Thursday, March 25, 2010

'The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand'

Greetings...I pray you will find encouragement through the writings on this blog. I hope to encourage you as you face your every day battles. May you persevere under trial and stand the test, so you will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

The 'Kingdom of Heaven'... It's a phrase only found in the gospel of Matthew and he used it 33 times. Jesus sent out his 12 disciples with the message to the world that 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand' (Matthew 10:7 KJV) At hand means it is within reach of all of us. I encourage you this day to reach out and seek that Kingdom.

Don't you just love the way God loves us? We are so blessed to have a King that provides for us like he does. Not just any King, but the King of Kings. The Almighty! He is Awesome!

Thanks for stopping in to check out this Christian blog. I hope you will add it to your favorites and come back often. If you are looking for daily scripture, check out Praying 4 U... on Facebook.

Rick Hawbaker
'Born to Love'