Are you striving to build God's Kingdom while you are here on earth or are you just enjoying the smooth sailing? We have been put into slavery under Satan by Adam. Jesus came to earth to destroy what Satan had done. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the stage has been set for us to take back earth.
Are we doing anything for the author of the universe? Are we doing enough? Yes, I know we are not saved by works, but will you agree that we are saved for works?
Be bold in your faith and have Jesus written all over your face!
Share the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. God has put you in a position to reach certain people for Christ that no one else is in better position to talk to them about the lamb of God. Tell them about the great provider, the great healer, the author of everything. Serve the King! The Lord God Almighty!
Spread the news today about the King of Kings, who was, and is, and is to come!
Rick Hawbaker
'Bold for the King'