Saul walked into the very desert cave David and his men were hiding in from him. Saul was blinded from the bright sun of the desert and didn't see anyone in the darkness as he relieved himself.
David and his men could have ended their running. It appeared that the Lord had delivered their enemy into their hands to do with what they wanted? Instead of taking out his knife to end Saul's life, David crept up unnoticed and took his knife and cut off the corner of Saul's robe. David would not lift a hand against Saul as Saul was the Lord's annointed one.
David follows Saul outside the cave. He shows him the piece of his robe that he had cut, and tells him of how he refused to kill him although his men urged him to do so. He certainly had the chance, but left it up to the Lord to avenge the wrong doings Saul had done to him.
Saul wept aloud as he told David "you are more righteous than I. You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly." Saul praised him for his actions and said, "may the Lord reward you well for the way you treated me today."
Wow! What a story. "Saul had slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands", yet they did not kill each other when the opportunity came as they were face to face.
Saul received grace that day and David freely gave grace. We can do the same. Amazing grace freely rains on us from above. We receive grace and can forgive others, including our enemies, with the help of our Sovereign Lord.
Thank you awesome God!
Rick Hawbaker
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