Peter and John were tossed in jail overnight for teaching and preaching that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. They were put on trial before the Sanhedrin. This is the same group of rulers, elders and teachers of the law that had just condemned Jesus.
Peter and John had to wonder if they were going to be crucified just like their master. But they didn't collapse under the pressure. No, in fact, Peter displayed a supernatural boldness as he preached to them at the trial. He came on strong and proclaimed that Jesus was raised from the dead. Peter also told them that Jesus was the only way to salvation.
They were released with threats to further punish them, but this too did not stop these men powered by the holy spirit. Peter and John then met with fellow believers that were one in heart and in mind. They had a prayer meeting that literally shook the earth.
As they prayed for boldness their prayer was answered as the evidence was an immediate earth quake. Again they were strengthened and filled with the holy spirit. It was impossible for death to keep its hold on Jesus, the resurrected one. They just couldn't keep quite about it.
The early church grew fast as the believers with the power of the holy spirit worked hard to build God's Kingdom. We too must be filled with the holy spirit from time to time. It wasn't a one time deal for the disciples and it isn't a one time deal for us.
You are much more than a mere human if you have the spirit of God. Be all that God wants you to be. Ask for the holy spirit to come upon you. Pray in the name of Jesus for the power of the holy spirit for you, your church, and your community.
Rick Hawbaker
'Filled with the Spirit'
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