God gave this promise to Israel and the same promise is available to us. We can turn to our loving God no matter what our circumstances. Our Sovereign Lord knows all and sees all from his glorious throne. He still reigns in heaven and still responds to humble praying people.
Christians don't think about the need to humble themselves, but that is first thing on God's list to us in this passage from his holy scripture. Getting serious about praying to your Lord and Savior shows you are humble as you are admitting you can not solve your problems by yourself.
Take the four steps given to us in the promise and become closer to God. Humble yourself, pray, seek His face, and turn from your sin. Your reward will be God hearing you, forgiving you and healing your land.
No matter how far we have gone down the wrong road, we can turn to God and receive his grace.
"We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield." Psalm 33:20
Rick Hawbaker
'King's Son'
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