His holy word tells us in Matthew 17:20, “… if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds but it produces the largest of all herbs. Our faith is like the mustard seed. It comes from a small beginning but can accomplish great things.
The very small seed, like our faith, can do nothing by itself. If our little bit of faith is placed in our great and mighty God, nothing will be impossible for us.
We don’t need a whole lot of faith to get things done. We just have to have our faith in the right thing. The right thing is our Almighty God. Because God can do all!
In this story, Jesus Christ put the emphasis on How Great Our God Is, not on how great our faith is. Little faith can accomplish great things with our Great God.
Awesome Lord – Move us past the point of wondering if we have enough faith. You are all powerful and can accomplish whatever you want. Let us put our faith in you and then ask and receive. May your will be done now and forever! In the good and great name of King Jesus, Amen!
Rick Hawbaker ~ Praying 4-U Ministries
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