I had been praying for a One Day Gospel Meeting of Prince Ministries - India and Pastor Paul had emailed me pictures. A total of 38 lost souls were claimed for the kingdom of God at the meeting. Praise the LORD!
"It sounds like angels singing and celebrating in the heavenly places for the new babies of God's kingdom," told Pastor Paul. "Thank you for your special prayers," He then sent out 22 pastors in the month of February to go to the villages in the India state of Andhra Pradesh near Guntur.
They shared the story of the blessing of God in Isaac's life and handed out tracts. (See Genesis 26:12-33.) The great works of Jesus continues in the uttermost parts of the world. They ran into a lot of idol worship, witchcraft and rituals.
Pastor Paul and I prayed together for the sake of salvation of the country. It is my prayer that they carry the light of Christ into the villages, pulling the lost souls out of darkness and nourish the babies in Christ at birth and in the days ahead.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8 NLT)
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4-U Ministries
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