The LORD is the light to all whom will receive him. He is our salvation. The stronghold of our lives. Our All in All!
When the wicked out of darkness advance against us, it is the LORD that causes our enemies to stumble and fall.
Standing in the mountains on the highest tower and looking out into the blue skies, our LORD appears to be miles and miles away. But yet he is right there with us. Ready to wrap his arms around us.
When you seek God you find He has been with you all the time. He is just waiting to be asked to help you. He is like a Father following his child learning to ride a bicycle. God is there. He won’t let you fall.
Dear God in heaven – Matchless, O Lord! That’s what you are. You are our sovereign king. You are our strength when we are weak. Our crutch when we are lame. You have stilled the storms that once surrounded us. You have promised to keep us strong to the end and we know you will. To you we are forever grateful. In Jesus name. Amen!
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4-U Ministries
Co-founder 'Jesus Heals Today'
Global Scope Ministries Leader of 'I Love God'
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