I was praying with a group of 22 men last night. It turned into a deep prayer meeting with fire falling down from heaven onto all those present. We laid hands on and prayed for one another for over an hour. The HOLY SPIRIT’s presence was throughout the room. We basked in the H0LY SPIRIT and loved it.
As we were praying for a friend, I heard a man say, “Father God, We thank you for Bob. Bob is a perfect example of someone who has his eyes fixed on Jesus, like you were talking about in Hebrews 12:2.
That scripture stuck in my mind and I text it to friends this morning. I had a man come to me before lunch and said, “I like the scripture you text me about “fix our eyes on Jesus,” but how do you do it. I can’t seem to keep my eyes on Him. I am all over the place.”
I told him not to feel bad and witnessed to him that I struggled with the same thing until about two years ago. That is when I began praying for God to give me a burning desire to pursue Him.
I suggested to this man that he should pray that he both be hungry and thirsty for the LORD and get into God’s holy word. For the will of God is in the word of God and all the answers to life’s questions reside in the bible.
I recommended that he go to a church and get involved and meet Christian friends. Hanging out with Christians changes your life. I told him that you got to get to a point in your life that when you are hugged by another person, you realize that it is not that person that is hugging you, but it is Jesus.
“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6 (NIV).
"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22 (NIV)
Rick Hawbaker †
Praying 4 U Ministries
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