Many people are trampled by persecutors and oppressors, many are weary and heavy laden under the burden of sin, and lots are lonely, lost, broken hearted and down trodden.
Don’t wait for someone else to take responsibility of your life. The lights are on and that is the time to arise. The forces of light are far more powerful than the forces of darkness. You can claim victory through the blood of the lamb and be delivered from all the evil that is surrounding you.
Yes, self-deliverance is a route for you. “Shake off your dust, rise up, sit enthroned…Free yourself from the chains on your neck.” You can shake yourself free from any hold that darkness has on you.
You can have victory through prayer. Pray strong prayers that uproot the enemy and command the afflictions stop right now. We can have victory using the name of Jesus as His name is above all names.
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. Isaiah 60:1 (NIV).
Rick Hawbaker †
Praying 4 U Ministries
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