Father God ~ You go unmatched in all of the universe. Not just in the stories of our family in the bible, but yet today. There is nothing greater than you. Not one thing!
You have defeated darkness time after time and continue to do that. Deliver us, O LORD, from the torment of the evil one. Keep the bad one and his cronies away from us and our love ones.
Satan, go back to the pits of hell where you belong. Give up on us for we are children of the LORD, and our God reigns now and forever. You were defeated at the foot of the cross. Be Gone!
Our hearts belong to Jesus and He is our great protector, great provider and great healer. Thank you, Jesus, for restoring families and healing the sick right before our eyes.
In the good and great name of Jesus. Amen and Amen!
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries †
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