I am truly grateful to the LORD Jesus Christ for lighting the lamp within me for His light can shine through me into darkness. O what a great honor it is to co-labor with the King of Kings to further the coming kingdom of God.
Jesus told us in Matthew 5 that we are the light of the world and that is the very same title He claimed for Himself in John 8 saying, “I am the light of the world.”
Jesus was indeed the light of the world walking as God in the flesh on earth in a body similar to ours, except for His was without sin. He did not give in to darkness not for a second.
This fallen world is full of darkness and the great tempter is at work with his cronies 24/7. They are painting a pretty picture in front of us, lying about the things that separate us from God.
Our light is a direct reflection from Him and we need to let it shine ever so brightly. Spurgeon said, “If ye burn dimly, dim is the world’s light, and dense its darkness.”
We need to get about our Father’s business and that is the business of bringing heaven to earth. That is the will of God, “on earth as it is in heaven.”
May your light shine even brighter into darkness in the days ahead. It is a tough go at times for all of us, but know that we share in His suffering and will share in His glory.
Come, King Jesus, Come!
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries †
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