Really BIG things happen when you ask God to show up. Is not that the truth? It makes sense. Supernatural things are bound to happen around you when you hang out with the creator of the universe.
I prayed with a man several months ago that was at his wits end. He was about to lose his family, his home, and he was already without work. He was more than a bit perplexed. He was deep in pain as his next move on earth ran through his mind.
Knee to knee on the floor with him and other Godly men, he surrender his life to Christ. We got together and prayed several more times in the next couple weeks and then he disappeared.
Six weeks later he walked into a room of men who had previously passionately prayed over him. Joy now filled the man’s body from head to toe. He was full of excitement as he shared how God had shown up BIG time in his life.
This man was in the process of packing up things to move several states away when we first met for prayer. Not now! Now he was knocking down a pay check, had not lost his home to the bank, and his family was all under one roof with food on the table.
This man was going through a dry season in his life. He put God back in the driver’s seat and poured out his heart to Him. That’s right. Just as the Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in Him always, pour your heart out to Him. For God is our refuge.”
Thank You Jesus!,
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries †
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