Please join me in lifting up Anamika to our great healer, Jehovah Rapha. This is the letter I received from her today...
...................sir,i met wid an accident last year...dec.7,2010,,, n,ma leg got fractured n nerves got damaged... doctor said last month,dat i cudnt b fully well as b4... n,i hav to wear a particular kind of shoe life long.... bt,i m born again Christian gal... knows my Lord Jesus Christ is the Healer n i know he can turn the things...upside down.. I WANA GET HEALED SOON,,,, WANA BEND MY KNEE FOR PRAYERS...(as i cudnt bend ma knee...).. i wana jump dance n run as b4... mark10:27 says"..with man this is impossible...bt,not with God...for all things r possible with God"... May this word work in my life... n,my frnds cud see the Lord's Glory again... as, HE SHOWED WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL N,MY ALL VEINS OF RIGHT LEG, GOT CUT N JESUS HEALED THEM ALL....,THRU WHICH I CAME TO FAITH.... MAY THIS B DONE AGAIN,WITH MY LEFT LEG TOO...WHEN,DOCTORS SAID MY CPN NERVES R DAMAGED N MY KNEE CAN NEVER BEND AGAIN!! BT,PLZZZ PRAY WHER DOCTORS FAILS LORD REVEALS HIS GLORY.... 10 YEARS B4 I GOT SAVED WITH THE HEALING IN MY RIGHT FOOT. MAY THIS TIME MY WHOLE FAMLY N FRNDS N GENTILES CUD SAVED BY SEEING THE LORD'S MIRACLE AGAIN IN MY LIFE. YES,I GET TENSED SOMETIMES.........WHEN I THINK,Y THIS HAPPENED WITH ME......?.... BUT, AT THE SAME TIME......WAIT FOR MY LORD'S HEALING TOUCH IN MY LIFE. SO,KEEP ON PRAYING FOR ME......sir,,as... M IN GREAT NEED......... THANK YOU.
Dear mighty God in heaven ~ You go unmatched as the greatest thing known or unknown. All honor, glory and praise goes to you. O LORD, I ask that you come upon the young girl, Anamika, that wrote the above letter. She has great faith in you and has jumped up in your lap. Come upon her in a mighty way and wrap your healing arms and hands around her. You have told us you are the great healer and you are so good at it. Open up heaven above her and heal her in the name of Jesus. Heal her leg that was fractured and restore her to exactly how she was before the accident. Show us your glory LORD. I ask this all in the good and great name of Jesus. Amen and Amen!
Led by the Spirit,
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries †
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