Our brother in Christ, the Apostle Paul, was a mighty
prayer warrior and he considered it joyful to pray for others. Sitting in
prison waiting possible execution he wrote to the church at Philippi. He told
them his constant prayers for them were a real joy as it brought back to his mind
how he had worked with them to further the kingdom.
Paul had started this church and it was the first
Christian church in Europe. He wanted to see their lives full of true goodness
and prayed for those he had defended the kingdom with. With them he had
extended the kingdom demonstrating the power of Jesus, and together shared the
grace of God.
Knowing that these friends in Philippi were full of love,
Paul continued in his letter writing, “And this I pray, that your love may
abound still more…” ~ Philippians 1:9 (NKJV).
Paul knew that no matter how much love for others we may have
that we can still have more love. I see our love is to be like a huge lake
overcoming the sand that outlines it and it is spilling over the dam. Like a river going over the banks. More Lord…More!
I am a believer that the most you can do for another is
to pray for them. Imagine if you prayed that they abound in love. Is there
anything that could promote someone’s welfare more?
I pray for you this day that you will be filled with the
love of Christ to overflowing measures. May you possess the heart of Jesus. Like Paul, “I pray, that your love may abound
still more…”
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries
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