A dear friend contacted me this morning with a deep prayer concern. She is nearing sixty, is divorced from an alcoholic, abusive husband, and is working hard to survive. She is struggling to overcome her past that is filled with bad memories of alcohol, drug use, broken families and bills.
Living with a son who has children from a broken home, she is helping them survive, and also helps a daughter who lives close by with her children. In her spare time, she works full-time for a heartless retailer as a cashier. My friend clearly loves the Lord. She has scripture on her lips and shares it with others daily. She wears Jesus on her sleeve. She shows acts of kindness to others often. Since becoming Christ-like, she hasn't met anyone she hasn't loved.
This angel is giving her all and all to make ends meet and to raise the two families in Christian living. I have seen her dip into her purse more than once and pull out money to give to others that are hurting. Some equally or hurting more than herself. She needs the money to pay for past bills, her current bills and her children's bills. But yet she is there for others giving beyond what she can.
This special friend contacted 'Focus on the Family' today for help with counseling for her grandchildren. Beside all of the above problems and concerns she is swimming in, her six year-old grandson has been sexually touching his twin sister wrongly. He learned this playing next door a couple weeks ago as my friend's mother, in her 80's, was watching the children and sent them next door.
All of you prayer warriors out there...Pray for healing and wholeness for all families involved in this Satan soaked episode. Through the power of prayer Jesus can mend this family that Satan hovers over. Please pray for everyone facing similar situations to overcome. Prayer activates the power of God and chases away Satan.
Ask God in the name of Jesus to heal this family and all of the families currently dealing with the same issues. May he heal those struggling and be with all of those who have already gone through pain like this. There is no one greater than our God. Jesus told us "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Matthew 28:18 (NIV).
Drive Satan out of town and far away from this family with your prayers. Jesus has overcome. Satan hates it when we pray. God is power. God is love. God is hope. God is joy... God doesn't want any of us to live in pain and suffering. Jesus suffered for us. We were born to win. Win for him! Pray for God and his many angels to intervene and set this lady free.
Rick Hawbaker
'Man of God'
(Photo taken on Trail Ridge Road in RMNP near the summit in June of 2010)
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