Walking the narrow path, I am determined to defeat Satan. I am in hot pursuit of the very life that God wants me to have. The life that Jesus died to give me. That's what I want.
Have I lost my mind completely or have I finally got it all together. Guess it depends who you are talking to. People in my past might feel I have walked off the plank on the ship of life in the middle of the great pond. But I know I am living the good life walking with the king of glory, the prince of peace, the great I AM.
The power of the holy spirit is upon me, in me, and working through me. How I enjoy seeing God work everywhere. He is in the young and in the old. I have seen him change me and change others. If you go through hard things as your life changes, remember you are being changed for the better. He loves you way too much to leave you like you are.
More than you can imagine can be yours through the power of Jesus Christ. You can have everything! "A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:7 NIV). You sow goodness, kindness, friendliness, mercy, good will, generosity, and righteousness, that's what you will get. You sow indecency, meanness, wickedness and evil, that's what you will reap.
I am a warrior for Christ, a soldier for our risen King, who beat death, hell and the grave. When the 72 reported back to Jesus after he had sent them out two by two he said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." (Luke 10:18 NIV). "The gates of hell shall not prevail" (Matthew 16:18) Satan was defeated at the cross. Stomp on his head!
Rick Hawbaker
'Child of God'
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