Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Unwrap the Present of Jesus…

Reaching the world with the word of our great Savior needs to be on everyone’s “Things To Do" list for 2011. We thank the LORD for his great grace showered upon us. Progress has been made in building the Kingdom of God, but there is still a long way to go.

I was very happy at work in the past month as I could see the holy spirit moving among the people as they worked together to help others less fortunate in our workplace and community. People were filled with the joy of giving and it brought a special feeling to many.

But yet there are still many who haven’t unwrapped that present of Jesus that God gave to us over 2,000 years ago. On Christmas Eve, a cake decorator ask me how to spell “JESUS”. She was to write “Happy Birthday Jesus” on a cake that had been ordered for a Christmas party.

I am not to judge whether this person knows the LORD or not, but if someone in their 40’s doesn’t know how to spell “Jesus”, there is a pretty good chance they don’t know him.

Be bold this coming year and help spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Help others to find the gift God has given us and help them to unwrap it.

In His Grip,

Rick Hawbaker ~ Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/ 364285405278?ref=ts


I had a person from my past contact me on Facebook wanting to be friends. I accepted them and a day later they looked over my page which is full of me, what I do, and what I believe. This was their response to what they found out about me…


The Holy Spirit brought to mind a scripture I had read earlier in the day. “They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.” John 15:21 (NIV)

I am not the little boy of the 60’s that she once knew. I did not grow up and become conformed to the patterns of this world. But instead, I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind and have accepted the role that God has planned for me as one of his very own.

It is written in God’s holy word, “Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Mark 13:13 NIV).

Awesome One – Our hope is in you all day long. Guide us in your truth and teach us, for you are God our Savior. You are the great healer, the great provider. From you, through you, and to you are all things. To you be the glory forever and ever! In the Jesus name. Amen!

Rick Hawbaker ~ Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/ 364285405278?ref=ts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Walk in the realm of the sovereign power

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8-10

Beloved, the enemy’s agenda is to steal, kill and destroy. Satan doesn't want you to believe that nothing is impossible for you. But that’s the truth - Nothing is impossible as you possess the very power that raised our great Jesus from the dead.

Satan was defeated at the foot of the cross and God will reign on earth. Pray for a deep desire to get closer to the King of the universe. Seek his face and ask for the gifts of the holy spirit to help you further the kingdom of God.

Father God, May we walk in the realm of your sovereign power. Help us to work together this coming year to build your coming kingdom. We love how you love us and you never let us down. Thank you King Jesus! In the good and great name of Jesus. Amen, Amen!

Rick Hawbaker ~ Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278?ref=ts

Friday, December 24, 2010

"For to us a child is born..."

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 NIV).

As we once again celebrate the awesome gift of a Savior that God has given to us, I want to recognize what a gift you are to me. Together we are the body of Christ, here on earth to work to build the coming Kingdom of God. How awesome is the LORD most high!

I pray this day in the good and great name of King Jesus that you will have a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year!

Rick Hawbaker ~ Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278?ref=ts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life is a circle...

Have you ever thought about how everything in life is a circle? Where everything begins it also ends. Jesus triumphant entry on a donkey through the walls surrounding Jerusalem is believed by many to be the same place Jesus will return.

It is written in Isaiah 9:6 (NIV), "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,". God sent us a Savior that was to become a man. That was the beginning.

"I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth." Job 19:25 (NIV) He came to us as a man and he will return and again stand on earth. This will be the end.

Father God - Thank you for sending us your son, Jesus. Reveal to us exactly how you want us help you in building your coming kingdom. Let us be possessed with your holy spirit so that everyone we encounter will see that Jesus is our King. I ask this in the good and great name of King Jesus. Amen! Amen!

Called To Love,

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

(This devotion was originally posted on Facebook on December 21 on Global Scope Ministries "Men of Faith" fan page and on my own "Praying 4 U fan page. Enjoy!)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Still Getting Glory Bumps...

A month ago I was floating on the Sea of Galilee in a wooden boat singing "How Great Is Our God". Oh, what an experience. Right in front of where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. I still get glory bumps thinking about it.

God was behind getting me to go to Israel. He knew that if I went I would never be the same and I am not. My strong faith in him was strengthened.

The holy word of God has been opened up to me. I have continued to be sanctified and I have developed a love and concern for the Israeli's.

Beloved - We must all the time be holy and all the time be helping others. God has so much more for all of us. Surrender completely to him and let him bend and shape you to exactly what he created you to be.

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91 (NIV).

Rick Hawbaker

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278?ref=ts

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Keep In Step With The Spirit...

It doesn't seem like it has been that long ago that I was telling people that Christmas is six months away and now Christmas is upon us within a week. It is time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

What a great gift from our creator? The ultimate gift of the universe, our Savior, Jesus! Praise God! Hallelujah! I am forever grateful!

Isn't is sad that this time of the year doesn't bring the better side out of all people? Many living in darkness have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. All they have picked up on about Christmas is it is an occasion to give and receive gifts.

The weaknesses of the flesh are leading fallen souls into darkness. The very things that God warned us of through the apostle Paul in Galatians 5 are devouring the lives of many.

"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21 NIV).

We are called to be free and are to serve one another humbly in love. We are NOT called to show our anger, greed, pride, envy, conceit...this Christmas week or at anytime.

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Those who are "Christ-like" will abound in the fruits of the Spirit showing love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Lift your hands to the LORD for he is our refuge and strength. Ask him through his son Jesus to pull you out of the mess you dangerously are living in. He loves you dearly and he wants you on his team - his team of faithful servants.

We are to live by the Spirit and keep in step with the Spirit. Don't conform to the wicked ways of the world, but instead be only indebted to love each other. Put aside the deeds of darkness and be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil.

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." (Romans 16:20 NIV).

Rick Hawbaker

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278?ref=ts

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Home by 11"...

Our God is awesome. He knows all, sees all, and hears all. Often we know that God has put us in a certain place and at a certain time.

It gives you a different feeling as you feel the presence of the Almighty when you see that it was all his plan for you to be where you are.

Awesome isn't a strong enough word to use when you talk about our Creator. Is it?

One of my days off as I hurried about city doing the things I needed to get done, I kept getting the message in my head of "Home By 11". I had gotten up, done by daily devotion, and was on the computer checking two email accounts, writing to friends, and chatting with friends around the world on facebook.

As I hurried down the steps and out the door I thought to myself "Home By 11". "Home By 11" became my goal that day. I drove out the garage, down the drive and onto Meadowood Lane thinking "Home By 11". I was in and out of Wal-Mart, Home Depot and to the Christian book store. Same thought was in my head. "Home By 11".

Taking my truck through the emission controls place, I kept pulling out my piece and checking the time. I was thinking, "they got to hurry up. I have to be home by 11. It is my day off!"

Actually, I didn't have much to do. Just planned on lifting weights, riding my bike on the trails and wanted to replace a couple of sprinkler heads in the yard. But, my days off to me are valuable and I don't like wasting a minute.

Still on schedule to complete all I wanted to do by 11, I went to the bank, got my head buzzed and stopped at Starbucks. I made it! I got everything done I had been putting off until my day off and it wasn't 11. Hallelujah! All praise and glory to God. He likes me!

Once home, I got the truck unloaded and began replacing the sprinkler heads in the front yard. I waved to a passing neighbor as he drove by and watched down the street as he made his way home. I notice a little boy walking about a half a block away. I looked at my watch and it was exactly 11 o'clock.

When the little fellow got within hearing distance I hollered, "hey, how are you today?" His answer of "fine" didn't sound so "fine". I didn't recognize the big, little guy who said he was four. I thought it was strange he was walking in the burbs by himself.

He didn't know his last name or his address. Sure enough. The little boy was lost. I carried on a conversation with him in hopes of keeping him safe on my sidewalk until someone showed their face that he knew. I live on a corner and he looked all ways and none of the homes looked like his.

When the small talk was running out, I knew it was time to head down the streets with him to find his home. If not he was going to take off and I know I wouldn't want any of my little love ones wondering the streets by themselves in hopes of finding their home. He didn't know which way to go, but was sure he did not live on the street he walked to my house on.

Nothing looked familiar to him in the first two blocks down the street and none of the neighbors out in their yards recognized the lad. We walked around a curve and we could see the next crossing street. All of a sudden the little boy sprinted for a house and ran up the steps and through the door.

I waited for a couple of minutes and a lady in a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head, and a toddler in her arms, made her way to the door. Letting go of the little boy's hand just for a second she waved through the window.

God knew that I needed to be "home by 11" that day to help one of his lambs. What would have happened to the little boy if I hadn't been in my yard on the corner? Which way would have he turned and gone? I don't know, but I am glad I was "home by 11".

Father God in Heaven, You are the almighty, amazing and awesome one. How you have planned and put everything together is certainly a mystery. Thank you for being there for us and thank you for putting others in our lives just around the corner at the right time waiting to help us. Your love for us is unending. Bend us, shape us and mold us to be more like you. I ask this all in your son's name, Jesus. The great coming and risen King. Amen! Amen!

May the Kingdom of Light come quickly!

Rick Hawbaker

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stepped out of darkness into light...

I use to feel I was surrounded by darkness as the days and the weeks went by. Not any more. I now feel the light of our Lord shining through me. Although I am surrounded by darkness here in Satan's kingdom, I live to spread God's light to the world.

A friend of mine in Christ has shown a lot of change in her life recently. She had experienced the deeds of Satan in the past, and has just recently turned the corner and come home to Christ. Yes, she has stepped out of darkness and has come into light. Hallelujah!

I gave her encouragement the other day telling her that people had mentioned to me that they had seen a big change in her in the past two weeks. I asked her if she felt different and she answered, "Ever since I have been reading the bible and I have been praying to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS, things have changed for me."

She continued, "My boyfriend and I have been getting along great. We still have our moments, but they are just moments of disagreement and not days of conflict." This young girl is full of wisdom and had come to me saying, "I want what you have. I realize my relationship with my boyfriend will not last unless it is Christ centered."

I was amazed and thrilled to hear this new believer now exclaim, "What this country needs is for it's people to drop to their knees and fold their hands and pray for themselves and for the country."

God is very happy to have another lost sheep come home and it won't be long until she will be leading other sheep to their master.

Father God, You are matchless. Awesome beyond compare. You work for the good of all in supernatural ways. We are so grateful to you and so happy to be in the hands of the creator of the universe. Thank you for showing us your divine power, your grace and unending love. In the good and great name of King Jesus, thank you!

May your Kingdom come quickly!

Rick Hawbaker

(Pictured above is a storm moving up on the Sea of Galilee in Israel)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pray for those spreading the gospel...

A pastor friend of mine in India travels some days to over 20 villages. He is on fire for the Lord and is spreading the gospel of Jesus in a nation that is dominated by Hindus. He works and prays for the revival of India. In his own words he is, "Hoping to bringing back people from the darkness to light."

He is one of four on a team that saturate the villages in the name of the Lord. As they move from one village to the next by bus they encounter many objections. Satan tries hard to turn them back. Lots of people reject the tracts they attempt to hand out and lots of people just simply reject the Christ-followers.

Before they enter each village they pray that the strongholds be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ. Lots of the people in the villages worship idols. They pray that the spirit of witchcraft is bound, and they pray for the release of the power of God into the lives of the people.

Pray for all of the Christian soldiers attempting to advance the Kingdom of God in India. Pray for the people they witness to that ask Jesus into their lives and for all of those being converted to Christianity. May those that are coming to know the Lord as their personal savior have spiritual growth as they learn to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This pastor told me this week, "God is moving in the nation of India. What an awesome God we serve in our lives. Glory to Jesus." He lives for the BIG days in India as God enables them to reach a lot of village people. They do not want to miss one heart for HIS Kingdom.

Pray today for all those spreading the gospel and winning souls for Christ. That's what it is all about no matter where you live on this planet. Spread the good news of our coming and risen King Jesus. I pray that the cat's meow for you may be harvesting souls for Christ.

Serving an amazing God,

Rick Hawbaker

Friday, December 3, 2010

Give Us A Deep Desire For Peace For The Planet

The most I can do for anyone is to pray for them. We have the great power of our loving Father within us. Yes, the power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us and among us.

That is what Jesus told us. I strongly believe it. Do you? Call upon the Almighty God's power to open up heaven and drop down peace for those facing many changes in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast, West Africa).

A brother in Christ wrote to me last Saturday asking for prayers as the Ivory Coast was to have an election on the next day. His congregation of Liberian refugees were near an end of a three day fast and prayer for total peace. They were afraid for the safety of their own lives and prayed that God would take control of everything.

Ivory Coast was split into north and south by a civil war in 2002-2003. The long-delayed election was meant to reunite the country, but instead it has reopened those divisions. There are over 16 million people in the country from more than 60 ethnic groups. Migrants from other west African countries make up to 40% of the population.

Random shots have been fired in the city of Abidjan, neighborhoods are being surrounded by well-armed men as homes are being searched, according to my brother via email. He said his angry neighbor, 20 meters away, got in the face of the bandits and his neighbor was nearly beaten to death. My friends three year-old son was hit in the head and received a deep cut by a thrown rock in the melee. Sixteen have been shot dead by security forces in the violence since the election.

Please consider praying for the people in Ivory Coast. Conditions are getting worse and many have not eaten for two days now. They are remaining indoors as they can hear heavy machine guns in the streets and all over the city of Abidjan.

Can you believe something like this is going on at this time in our world? We think we have problems. We complain about being stuck in traffic, we don't like our jobs, some are still whining about the last political election, gas is too high. The list goes on.

Things are not all right in the world. Millions of people are watching their families starving and are afraid of losing their lives. Not just in Ivory Coast, but in too many places to list here. What are we going to do? Sit and watch hunger kill little ones and then feel very sorry for them when their lives are gone?

The KEY is prayer. We have to call upon the power of our great God. Our countries dirty money and military assistance can't save the world. Only God can do that through his son, Jesus Christ. Will all of you children of the Lord please pray to our God in heaven? Pray for the little ones to be able to eat physical food to gain strength. Keep the adults safe, fed, and in your word, and in prayer.

"Yes, God cares, but who cares?", those are the words of my friend in west Africa. He is a Liberian refugee who fled for his life and to save his family during the civil war in Liberia. Now he and his family face extinction in the neighboring country of Ivory Coast. They are sleeping in complete darkness as their electricity has been turned off and they are watching their children dying from lack of food. No money to hop to Ghana, the next country.

He can't be more serious as he cries out to God to save them. May he and his family be in the palm of God. May the Lord surround him with many angels to feed and protect them from the "power" of other human beings. Death may be more than very real to them. It just may be certain.

It has to break God's heart to see his dearly loved people oppressed to near death and yet the rest of the world goes on about life in it's own merry way.

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." (Psalm 51 1:-2 NIV)

Father God, Forgive us great God for not seeing you living in fear for your life, in pain, in suffering, dying of hunger and thirsty. Make us more aware of your needs throughout the world and give us a deep desire for peace for the planet. We love you and love what you have done for us. May we not forget our brothers and sisters. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our coming and risen King! Amen! Amen!

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

Born To Love,

Rick Hawbaker

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278?ref=ts