A friend of mine in Christ has shown a lot of change in her life recently. She had experienced the deeds of Satan in the past, and has just recently turned the corner and come home to Christ. Yes, she has stepped out of darkness and has come into light. Hallelujah!
I gave her encouragement the other day telling her that people had mentioned to me that they had seen a big change in her in the past two weeks. I asked her if she felt different and she answered, "Ever since I have been reading the bible and I have been praying to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS, things have changed for me."
She continued, "My boyfriend and I have been getting along great. We still have our moments, but they are just moments of disagreement and not days of conflict." This young girl is full of wisdom and had come to me saying, "I want what you have. I realize my relationship with my boyfriend will not last unless it is Christ centered."
I was amazed and thrilled to hear this new believer now exclaim, "What this country needs is for it's people to drop to their knees and fold their hands and pray for themselves and for the country."
God is very happy to have another lost sheep come home and it won't be long until she will be leading other sheep to their master.
Father God, You are matchless. Awesome beyond compare. You work for the good of all in supernatural ways. We are so grateful to you and so happy to be in the hands of the creator of the universe. Thank you for showing us your divine power, your grace and unending love. In the good and great name of King Jesus, thank you!
May your Kingdom come quickly!
Rick Hawbaker
(Pictured above is a storm moving up on the Sea of Galilee in Israel)
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