It gives you a different feeling as you feel the presence of the Almighty when you see that it was all his plan for you to be where you are.
Awesome isn't a strong enough word to use when you talk about our Creator. Is it?
One of my days off as I hurried about city doing the things I needed to get done, I kept getting the message in my head of "Home By 11". I had gotten up, done by daily devotion, and was on the computer checking two email accounts, writing to friends, and chatting with friends around the world on facebook.
As I hurried down the steps and out the door I thought to myself "Home By 11". "Home By 11" became my goal that day. I drove out the garage, down the drive and onto Meadowood Lane thinking "Home By 11". I was in and out of Wal-Mart, Home Depot and to the Christian book store. Same thought was in my head. "Home By 11".
Taking my truck through the emission controls place, I kept pulling out my piece and checking the time. I was thinking, "they got to hurry up. I have to be home by 11. It is my day off!"
Actually, I didn't have much to do. Just planned on lifting weights, riding my bike on the trails and wanted to replace a couple of sprinkler heads in the yard. But, my days off to me are valuable and I don't like wasting a minute.
Still on schedule to complete all I wanted to do by 11, I went to the bank, got my head buzzed and stopped at Starbucks. I made it! I got everything done I had been putting off until my day off and it wasn't 11. Hallelujah! All praise and glory to God. He likes me!
Once home, I got the truck unloaded and began replacing the sprinkler heads in the front yard. I waved to a passing neighbor as he drove by and watched down the street as he made his way home. I notice a little boy walking about a half a block away. I looked at my watch and it was exactly 11 o'clock.
When the little fellow got within hearing distance I hollered, "hey, how are you today?" His answer of "fine" didn't sound so "fine". I didn't recognize the big, little guy who said he was four. I thought it was strange he was walking in the burbs by himself.
He didn't know his last name or his address. Sure enough. The little boy was lost. I carried on a conversation with him in hopes of keeping him safe on my sidewalk until someone showed their face that he knew. I live on a corner and he looked all ways and none of the homes looked like his.
When the small talk was running out, I knew it was time to head down the streets with him to find his home. If not he was going to take off and I know I wouldn't want any of my little love ones wondering the streets by themselves in hopes of finding their home. He didn't know which way to go, but was sure he did not live on the street he walked to my house on.
Nothing looked familiar to him in the first two blocks down the street and none of the neighbors out in their yards recognized the lad. We walked around a curve and we could see the next crossing street. All of a sudden the little boy sprinted for a house and ran up the steps and through the door.
I waited for a couple of minutes and a lady in a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head, and a toddler in her arms, made her way to the door. Letting go of the little boy's hand just for a second she waved through the window.
God knew that I needed to be "home by 11" that day to help one of his lambs. What would have happened to the little boy if I hadn't been in my yard on the corner? Which way would have he turned and gone? I don't know, but I am glad I was "home by 11".
Father God in Heaven, You are the almighty, amazing and awesome one. How you have planned and put everything together is certainly a mystery. Thank you for being there for us and thank you for putting others in our lives just around the corner at the right time waiting to help us. Your love for us is unending. Bend us, shape us and mold us to be more like you. I ask this all in your son's name, Jesus. The great coming and risen King. Amen! Amen!
May the Kingdom of Light come quickly!
Rick Hawbaker
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