Good times as we know them appear to be gone. At least that is the feeling of most everyone you run into. Not just in America, but other countries as well. If people don’t tell you of their troubles you can see the stress on their faces.
The rent, mortgage payments, car payments, cost of feeding and clothing your family, health care, child care and everything else, keeps on going. But the jobs have stopped and raises have ceased for some. Those reaching retirement have not put away money as they have used their money helping their children and helping their children's families survive.
God called Himself the Great “I Am”, not the Great “I was.” He is the Great provider. Nothing is impossible for Him. I urge you to not only get into the word of God to find Him and know what he wants, but to get on your knees in prayer and get to know the LORD.
God is mighty to save. He is a mighty fortress. Surrender to Him and let Him use you in a great way. Your redeemer lives. Seek Him and find Him. God still answers prayer.
"Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalm 55:22 (NLT).
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries
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