It is great to get together with other Christian men and just chat. There were no pressing problems brought to the table this past week. That is not always the case.
‘As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 (NLT). This has been proven over and over to be true as some of the men have gotten some valuable help and insight from others.
We sip on coffee and chat as men arrive and then get into the word for 45 minutes to an hour. Then we share our prayer concerns and pray together for one another.
We are currently going through the Book of John. We have done some other books of the bible and have discussed Max Lucado, Jack Deere and Bill Johnson books, to mention a few. Richard Foster’s book, “Celebration of Disciplines”, was a big hit.
The group bills itself as a Saturday Morning Men’s Support Group. Although it is advertised through the church I go to, men from different churches in the area attend.
Everyone needs to have a group like this to unpack the word, discuss what it says to you, and to hear what the word is saying to others. The fellowship with other Christians is unbeatable and we need it.
‘So it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.’ Romans 12:5 (NLT). Be there for your brothers and sisters as all believers are one body connected together by Christ.
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries
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