I thank the LORD for the huge hug he gave me as I rose this morning. Feeling the warmth of his presence and knowing he is constantly with me is great assurance that this will be another great day.
There is nothing like getting a nudge from the Father. May my thoughts be His all through this day He has made. I have much joy in my heart knowing I am with Him here on earth and we will be together in heaven forever.
I thank the Spirit of God for coming upon me and giving me the great confidence I have. It is He alone who saves us, delivers us, heals us, and makes us whole.
Stepping over the dark spots in a fallen world shepherding with Jesus is what I have been called to do. I pick up those who have slipped, hold up those who are weak, and fan the flame of the Holy Spirit that has been lit in others.
Heed the call and join in helping the LORD to build the mighty kingdom. Pray continually to the King of the universe. The more you communicate and develop a direct line of communication with him, the easier it will be to recognize his voice. Ask the LORD what it is He wants you to do for Him.
Led By The Spirit,
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries
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