Monday, April 23, 2012

More prayers answered...There goes God

“Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.” ~  Psalm 5:2 (NIV).

A Christian friend at work sent a co-worker to me for prayer early last fall. The co-worker, Bud Hexom, had just been diagnosed with esophagus cancer, and the cancer had already spread to his back and to some other organs.
Doctors told Bud he would see his 75th birthday in April, but would not be alive in May. This is how man evaluated his health issues. But, our almighty God, the great healer of the universe, had a different plan.  
I thank you all for joining me in praying for this believer. He is getting stronger every day and has not been sick from the chemo or in pain. He does still have some cancer and he is again taking chemo. He is now within a week of May and feeling the best he has felt in months.
Bud’s wife is super excited as she watches him feel well enough to go to the store with her. On a trip to the store last week she watched him load lawn fertilizer bags in their vehicle.
Bud thanked me this morning for keeping the body of Christ stirred up offering prayers for him the past eight months. He said he thought for years that he was control of his life, but has found out God ultimately calls all the shots.
He is very thankful for all the prayers from around the world for him to be healed and knows that the prayers offered in faith have extended his time on earth.
“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.” ~ James 5:15 (NIV).
I thank the LORD for the great fighting warrior that Bud has become and thank the LORD for people just like you who have been lifting him up to the LORD in prayer.
Led By The Spirit,
Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

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