Have you ever gotten a word from a prophet and scratched your head and wondered what it means or what it will mean to you? In the last six weeks I have gotten three confirmations about a word of prophecy that was given to me and it is beginning to make sense.
It all began back on Saturday, October 9th when I was at the Men's Advance with 200 men from our church. I ran into a prophet there and this man that I had never met before began telling me things about myself.
The prophet said, "Looking at you I see joy. Great Joy. Joy overflowing. You are a teenager with lots of energy." He continued, "Wait. I see a goat. A mountain goat. It is sure-footed on the mountain rocks. It is jumping and leaping with joy. That goat, it is you!"
The prophet finished saying, "I don't know when, whether it is today, in two weeks or in two months, but I can see you are going to be filled with absolute joy!" Within two hours I was very happy about something that happened at the Men's Advance.
The next day I drove two hours down out of the mountains and shared the experience with my wife. We talked about could this thing that happened be what the man was talking about.
A couple days later I was checking over facebook on my phone and I ran across a message I had gotten from a facebook friend I had never met. This lady wrote to me on October 1st "you will have great joy starting in the month of October." She had written this eight days before the prophet told me basically the same thing
The message suddenly meant something to me. I got on facebook and found the lady that had written to me. She lives in Austria. I researched her information and found out she is a prophetess.
Woe! I have a prophetess from Austria and a prophet from Loveland, Colorado both telling me I will be filled with joy! Now I am getting excited. Trying to figure out just what is going to happen and what does this all mean has been interesting.
On October 30th, I was in Israel down by the Dead Sea and visiting the area the cave was in that David and his men hid in from King Saul. This was Ein Gedi where David cut the corner of Saul's robe off in the cave without Saul knowing it.
Upon leaving the area and heading back to the parking lot, three ibex ran across our path less than ten feet in front of us and they leaped high over the four foot retaining wall. Ibex are mountain goats. My wife and I were amazed. We took a couple of steps and then suddenly it dawned on us that those ibex were me!
I am waiting for the rest of the story to be revealed to me. I have been filled with joy since October. I don't know if the leaping goat was to show me I am going to be moved to a higher level with God soon or to again show me that nothing is impossible for a common person or an ibex.Or could it mean something else?
I have not recontacted the shofar blowing prophet that first told me I was going to be filled with joy, but I have been in contact with the prophetess. In her writing on October 20th, she wrote to me, "Glory be to God Almighty, the revealer of hidden treasure...Begin to flourish in his overflow."
Rick Hawbaker
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