You may have heard enough about others in need and are filled to the brim with hearing that crap. Maybe God feels the same way. Don't you think he gets tired of people continually seeing others in need and not doing anything about. I know I can't save the world by myself, but I can make a BIG difference in a few peoples lives.
I have made friends with a Liberian refugee that is a congregation pastor on the Ivory Coast of Africa in Abidjan. The Redeemer Christian Fellowship was established 2008 with a total of 17 people. They began as a family devotional prayer group for those who were saved from the Liberian civil war.
God has blessed this church that had a humble beginning. It has increased little by little and now has 93 members. That doesn't include the visiting friends both Ivoriens and Liberians. They have orphan children left behind as their parents were killed in the civil crisis. There are also disabled refugees, widows and the old.
"Sir, we need more training. We need some bibles and tracts for the congregation." That's the exact words the congregation pastor wrote to me. He said they all speak and read English. Now isn't that crazy. I just bought another bible last week and have five in our upper room and three in my truck. Why don't I send him some of mine.
I have sang and prayed "break my heart for what breaks yours" too many times. I am so happy that God has chosen me to be one of his people. I am going to get as many bibles to this congregation that I can.I am going to help God build his kingdom on earth whenever and wherever.
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels are with him and he sits on his glorious throne, and he easily separates the sheep from the goats...I will sit on the right and take my inheritance of eternal life. The kingdom prepared for me since the creation of the world. Those on the left will go away to eternal punishment. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Rick Hawbaker
Daily Scripture, Prayer and Praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278
(Pictured above is the Sea of Galilee in Israel near where Jesus delivered the sermon on the mount.)
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