Beloved, I have just returned from a visit to the place that one day the light of the world will reign. Jerusalem. Holy Jerusalem.
It was a trip of a lifetime. I thank God and praise him, the great provider, for giving me a chance to spy on my heritage.
Sitting on the steps that Jesus taught on, seeing the pools he healed in, and cruising on the Sea of Galilee that he walked on, all brought me closer to our great God. Everything began in Israel and everything is to end in Israel.
I found being in the holy lands a tingling experience. Glory bumps popped up on my body as I visited some of the holy places. Hanging out on Mt. Zion and actually walking inside the walls where the temple will be rebuilt was really moving. Just like God, Jerusalem is amazing beyond compare.
The Arc of the Covenant, the holy of holies, is believed to be there under the Temple Mount. I had a chance to pray to our Almighty Father within 50 feet of where The Arc is believed to be. I poured out my prayer concerns to the Lord and wrote them on a piece of paper, folded it and stuck it in a crack of the Wailing Wall.
I was certainly blessed to have seen the City of David and to renew my vows to the risen Lord as I was baptised in the Jordon River. Our God is the same yesterday, today and yes, forever. He is a loving, living and healing God.
God has planted a seed in each of us. Join with me and pursue the life that God has planned for us. Let that seed grow and let it bring forth the fruit that God intended it to be.
I feel I have left a piece of myself in Israel and feel I have brought a piece of Israel with me back to the United States of America. I will continue to serve God, spread his gospel, and see lost souls saved.
Peace And Prayer To You!
Rick Hawbaker
Daily Scripture, Prayer and Praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278
(Pictured above is the Jordon River in Israel)
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