What else can you possibly ask for. He gives you everything! There is nothing else. God made the world and everything in it. Enjoy his great creation and praise the name of Jesus above all names.
With each passing day we are getting closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ. All praise and glory to Jesus, the risen and returning king! How exciting it is to know we will be spending eternity with the King of the Universe.
"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." - Romans 13:12 (NIV).
When you come out of the night and into God's light, you have to dress approprietly. When you go to work you wear work clothes. Someone sees you on the way to work dressed for work, they know you are heading to work. You go for a day hike in the mountains, you wear clothes for that. Someone sees you in your hiking boots and hiking pants, they know you are heading to the outback.
It is the same with God. You must take off your clothes of darkness from your past and dress the part that you are living in light. You can defend and attack if you have on all the armor of God. Since we anticipate the return of our Savior soon, we should be putting on the armor of light every day.
Be energetic and committed to a close walk with God. You are children of the Lord and should live as children of the light.
Thank You Jesus!
Rick Hawbaker
Daily Scripture, Prayer and Praise...Check out http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Praying-4-U-/364285405278
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