My prayer this week is that all God's dearly loved children see his grandeur. I think so many get so busy in the rat race that they live in a fog and really never slow down long enough to clearly see our creator. And friends, God has so much more for each and everyone of us.
I encourage you to do business with the Lord this week. A real prayer is life creating and life changing.
The closer your heart beats to the Almighty, you begin to think like God, desire what he desires, love the things he loves, and hate the things he hates. Yes, your heart becomes broken for what breaks his.
God is an awesome being. He is supernatural, unlimited in power, has infinite knowledge, is perfect goodness and divine simplicity. His love is unending and grace unchanging. In Romans 11:36 (NIV), his holy word tells us, "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."
Get off of your log and tell others about the greatness of Christ. We have an obligation to demonstrate to our generation that God is truly alive. "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12 NIV).
Wow! Now that is bringing heaven to earth...doing the works that Jesus did while he was on earth and doing more. The power of the holy spirit is in us and available for us to tap into for ourselves and for others. Get on with doing your Father's business and show your generation that God is Alive!
Leading and Feeding Christ's Sheep,
Rick Hawbaker
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