Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Praise Reports...

I received two praise reports within the past 24 hours. One was from a friend near and the other was from a far.

Cathy is from my own community of believers. The other was from Pastor Paul (Kranthipaul Somavarapu). He has Prince Ministry-India.

Cathy wrote, “Just want to Thank God for giving His angels charge over my daughter today. A shout of praise to Him, that she was not injured when the car left the pavement at 65 mph and rolled 3 times. CT scan, MRI, and sonogram to look for internal injuries...None, no bumps, no bruises, just sore, and shook up.”

She continued, “and last week, Larry went to the hospital via ambulance, when he got dehydrated, and had too low blood pressure, falling and hitting the back of his head on a tile floor. Ct found nothing, and he was released! No bump, no bruise...just a small laceration.”

Here is a praise report of what God has done in the life of a woman in the city of Vijayawada, India in a Prince church. Pastor Paul tells, “Last year, May 12th, 2010, I went to this church for the believers meeting to minister the word of God. After the meeting, a woman name Suneetha came to me for prayer.”

Suneetha had gotten married four years ago, but had no children. She had been barren for four years. Pastor Paul prayed for her to have children asking in Jesus name, and rebuked the spirit of barren in her life.

He continued, “when I got to that church on 13th of this month (April 2011) to distribute clothes, she came to me and gave me a praise report about what Jesus has done in her life. She called me to her house to see her baby daughter. I went to her house and prayed for the baby.”

Pastor Paul concluded, “What a mighty God we serve in our lives. Amen! Give all the glory to Jesus Christ. Jesus is doing miracles and wonders for His people all around the world. Amen.”


Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Monday, April 25, 2011

Amazing Indeed!

Worthy is He that was slain for me.Holy, Holy, is He,
The Passover Lamb whose blood was shed for thee.

Thank you Jesus!

O Wise King. You are our everything.
Tuck me under your wing.

Come upon us Holy Spirit, come.

Praise be to our Almighty God.
To Him I give my nod.
He is a mighty fortress with whom I am awed.

Amazing indeed!

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Saturday, April 23, 2011

He's risen, He lives and we are forgiven...


Oh, what a mighty God we serve. Holy, holy is He. He is unmatched in all known and in all unknown. He surrounds us with His unending love, mercy and grace. I will forever worship and praise the wise King.

He is all to us and I will always adore Him. I desire none other. I love how He loves us. He looks to us and sees what we are going to become and not what we are at the present time.

Don’t be content to give the LORD lip-service saying the sinners prayer and then sit back and wait for the second coming of our Jesus. There are many who haven’t heard of Him for the first time yet.

You are the host to the spirit of the kingdom and the very power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. You were saved to bring heaven to earth, not to bring you to heaven. Let Jesus shine through you and minister to others like you think Jesus would.

How great is He! Our Jesus was crucified,dead and buried. He raised from the grave on the third day setting us all free from death. He conquered what we fear the most. He conquered death.

He's risen, He lives, and we are forgiven. Release His presence and share the glory of His kingdom. He lives in us. Thank you Jesus. Yeah!


Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out 364285405278?ref=ts

Jesus Heals Today

Friday, April 22, 2011

Passover Lamb of God

Father God ~

You are the greatest and your kingdom is unshakable. Thank you for your son, King Jesus, who became the Passover Lamb of God. He showed His great love for us as He carried our sins to the cross, was crucified, dead and buried, and rose on the third day to live again. He is alive and living in me. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Amen and Amen!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

He is everywhere...

I thank the Lord for showing Himself to me this morning as I went for a walk in the open space. There He was under the brilliant blue skies as a gentle breeze, and I so enjoyed the heat from the bright sun upon my face.

The red winged black birds were watching the ducks on the pond, rabbits were hopping across the path and dogs were prancing as their owners took them for a walk. What a joy to hear the distant voices of children playing in a park!

An elderly woman out for a walk with her little dog leaned on her cane and told me how happy she was that we were not tested this past winter with cold weather and snow.

Having people say they don’t see God offends the holy spirit within me. I see Him everywhere. He takes care of us like none other.

A friend returned to work this week after looking for a job for the past 21 months. Another friend has a final interview for a job that will take him out of the corporate abuse he is now exposed to. I thank King Jesus for answered prayer.

A baby girl will be born into a friend’s family this week. Previously the couple had not been able to have their own children and completed home study to adopt a child. Instead of adoption, the LORD has blessed them with two girls in the past 18 months.

Dear God in Heaven ~ You are the greatest. You still hear our prayers and you answer them. Open up the eyes of the people who don’t see you. May they see you, surrender to you, and join in with you in building the coming kingdom of God. In the good and great name of Jesus. Amen and amen!

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out 364285405278?ref=ts

Jesus Heals Today

Monday, April 18, 2011

A sign of genuine work of God in the heart...

Having fallen into God’s loving arms I am in hot pursuit of our Father. I desire a strong relationship with the LORD. There is nobody that loves me like He does. There is a great comfort and peace in turning everything over to Him. He is all to us!

“The sign of a genuine work of God in the heart is that you began to hate the sin you once loved and to love the righteousness you once ignored.” Those are the words of Paul Washer as he preached “Do you desire God.”

That is exactly what is happening. I have seen it in my own life and in other children of the LORD. What we once loved we now hate and what we once hated we now love.

Our Father is a great God. He is above all things and in all things. We are the host of His kingdom. Bring a piece of His kingdom to earth by releasing his presence today.

“It’s all about Him and not about us.” told Washer. “There is nothing outside of Christ. He is all we need and all we have.”

‘Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations’. ~ Psalm 100 (NIV)

Thank You King Jesus!

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out 364285405278?ref=ts

Jesus Heals Today

Friday, April 15, 2011

God is good and He is on the move...

Beloved… God is so good, He loves us so much, and He so answers prayers. God does amazing things. Thank you King Jesus! Each day I am amazed at God’s power and am grateful to be the King’s Kid.

I witnessed the LORD’s healing power rain down on hundreds of people at a Global Awakening School of Healing and Impartation in the past week. A seven year-old boy with cerebral palsy was prayed for and then walked for the first time without a helping device.

This little boy had gone with his mother to a School of Healing & Impartation in Abilene, Texas. God gave him some mobility in his legs through a miracle at that time, but still was unable to walk without calipers or crutches.

Full of hope he came to another of Randy Clark's Healing & Impartation schools last week in Castle Rock, Colorado. He walked for an hour practicing to be as good as everyone else. (See link for video of this young lad walking all over the stage. ).

Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California said, “Testimony about the LORD is a beautiful gift that reminds you of Him. Testimony reveals the nature of God and His love for us.” Bill continued, “Talking about God releases His presence.”

Join in with me in telling others about our Father, the King of the Universe. Glorify Him and praise Him as you share His greatness with others and release His presence.

Psalm 30:11-12 – ‘You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.’ (NIV).


Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out 364285405278?ref=ts

Jesus Heals Today

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Releasing the presence of God....

I thank the Lord God Almighty for showing up in a big way in my life. His presence is released as I share his greatness. Give God all honor, glory and praise forever and ever.

The greatest periods of healing and miracles have occurred the first 300 years of the church and the last 100 years. We are so blessed to be living at this time. Thank you Jesus!

When we are asked to share our testimony of meeting Jesus, many people talk about the story of how they came to salvation. It would be great if everyone would share how they work with Him every day in their families, neighborhoods and in the workplace.

In sharing the stories of Christ working in the lives of others around us, a little bit of heaven is released. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.

May we never lose our excitement over what is happening and may we always be in awe of just how awesome our Father is.

Serving a Living God,

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yeah God...

Our God is awesome and he often displays his greatness. I went to a four day School of Healing and Impartation last week. What could be better than being surrounded by Christ-followers 12 to 14 hours a day for four days. It was great!

The power of God certainly means something different to me now. Friday the students of the healing school were invited to pray for healings. People who had eye or hearing problems, cancer or walked with the aid of a device were brought in.

I joined another man in laying on hands and praying to God for some of these people. The first man we prayed for felt God gave him 90% of his sight back in his left eye after praying and reported the pain from the eye drops had disappeared.

We then prayed for a lady who had a third of her left lung already removed and was to have some of the right lung taken soon. She felt a great peace and could breathe easier after prayer.

Right beside where we were praying, a little boy with cerebral palsy was healed. After prayer, this seven year-old laid down his crutches and walked for over an hour. Praise God!

It was amazing to see what was born out of a relationship with Christ. I was blessed as much as the folks with whom we prayed for. Yeah God! I can attest to the fact that God still heals people today.

Jesus last words before being taken up into heaven to sit at the right hand of God were, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will…place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Mark 16:17-18 (NIV).

God healed hundreds of people in the four days of the conference. Some had been suffering for over 40 years. You Go God! - Thank You King Jesus!

Co-laboring with Jesus,

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“Live bravely for Him who died lovingly for you.”

Whenever I delve into God’s word in the book of Acts, I always come away feeling refreshed. People repented, were baptized and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The group of believers grew very quickly.

It is good to read in chapter 4 that “all the believers were one in heart and mind” and that “they shared everything they had …There were no needy persons among them.”

In chapter 5 it is written, “The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people…Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, and all of them were healed.”

The apostles were tossed in jail for preaching the good news of Jesus and when they were released they were ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus.

“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.” Acts 5:42 NIV.

The early church was amazing. The apostles were commanded to go out to the ends of the earth to tell everyone about Jesus, but people came to them in large numbers. They did not get out of town until they had to leave because of persecution.

Charles Spurgeon, wrote, “Live bravely for Him who died lovingly for you.” The apostles boldness should be an inspiration to us and propel us to witness for Christ.

Thank You King Jesus!

Called to Love,

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Sunday, April 3, 2011

God's in control of everything...

Having been evacuated two different times from two different homes nearly a thousand miles apart because of two different types of natural disaster, I have experienced God working through evil to create good.

When things are going well for us it is easy to believe God is in control. When things are bad and we face living through tornadoes, forest fires, floods,hurricanes and earth quakes – that’s when we need to believe even more that He is in control.

It has been made very clear to us from way back in Isaiah’s days that God is in control of everything. No matter what button you push or which door you walk through, God is in control.

God’s holy word says, “I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7(NIV).

Father God, You are matchless to anything known and hold us in your hands like a piece of clay. Mold us and shape us into being exactly what you intended us to be. We bend and shake in a storm like a tree, but continually place our hope in you as you are in control. Thank you for your love for us and thanks so much for not leaving us the way we were. In Jesus name, Amen!

Serving a Living God,

Rick Hawbaker
Praying 4 U Ministries

Daily scripture, prayer and praise...Check out 364285405278?ref=ts

Jesus Heals Today

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's not too late...

Beloved…I was thinking on the way to work that I certainly haven’t heard it all, but I have heard enough to make me sick. It is time to rise and let the kingdom of light shine in this dark world.

We have been given authority over creation and darkness. To take that authority we must know the author of the Universe. There lies the problem. A lot of people want to go to heaven but they don’t want anything to do with God.

We are a condemned race and appointed to die, but we can be forgiven. The great message of God’s word is that he does forgive. Jesus took the punishment for the things we have done.

Becoming obedient to God is a big step as you change your mind and give up practicing sin. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (NIV).

"Let me say it clearly, plainly, lovingly, pleadingly. You are in danger. Without Jesus, you go to hell," Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill Church, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Brothers and Sisters...It is not too late to make a decision for Christ. Help build the glorious coming kingdom of our God. Do business with the LORD today!

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” Psalm 51:1-2 NIV.


Rick Hawbaker